Texas Tech Basketball Hosting Selection Sunday Party
A poor showing at the Big 12 Tournament shouldn't squelch the momentum that Texas Tech basketball has built up here in Lubbock. The fan support has been slowing building and came to a full go during the final few home games of the regular season.
The team now wants that same local support on Selection Sunday. It might even be your chance to get on TV. If you're unaware of the proceedings, Selection Sunday happens every year on the weekend before the Big 12 Tournament and the talking heads at CBS run down the bracket team by team. Most teams watch the show together and film the reaction to put out during the CBS broadcast or just on their own platforms.
Here is an example of the party last year for our Red Raiders.
The party is back at 4ORE this year so if you want to celebrate the Red Raiders pending tournament berth, or just want to try and get on TV, the party is open to the public.
Be sure to say hello to Ryan Hyatt while your there and then listen to The Raiderland every weekday starting at 11:00 am.
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