Coach Kingsbury Praises Rusty Whitt as ‘Good American’ After On-Field Tackle
The best thing to come from this weekend was the video of Rusty Whitt laying the smackdown on some poor unfortunate soul during the Oklahoma and Texas Tech game.
If you haven't seen the footage or are unaware: Here is the original story, and here's the entire interaction set to Celine Dion. Both are worth checking out.
Now that we're all caught up, Kliff Kingsbury was asked about the interaction at his weekly press conference this week by 1340 The Fan's Rob Snyder, and had an amazing answer.
"I'm glad he didn't snap the guy's neck," Kinsgbury opened. "I thought he was going to have flashbacks (Editor's Note: Whitt is an Army veteran) and we were going to be in trouble."
Kingsbury collected himself, seemingly in awe of the replay in his mind, and finished really strong: "He's just a good American doing his duty to the Country."
That final statement couldn't be truer. Rusty Whitt's story is amazing. The Cliffs Notes version is that Whitt didn't join the military until after 9/11, at which point he felt compelled to do so. He had a decorated career as a Green Beret, and is now back to being a strength and conditioning coach. He has gone above and beyond his civic duty.
This weekend, Whitt stepped up to end something that I believe everyone hates: Idiots who interrupt sporting events by running onto the field.
It's not funny. It delays an already long game. Nobody cares about seeing you. And they don't show you on the broadcast.
So thank you, Rusty Whitt, a true American Hero.
1340 The Fan is excited to partner with Guns Up Nation this season. Check them out on Facebook here.
Bonus Video: Kliff Kingsbury back in 2016 talking about hiring Rusty Whitt
Watch: Texas Tech Home Game Highlights
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