Texas Tech Lady Raider Interim Head Coach Shimmy-Gray Miller Calls President Trump a ‘Twitter Troll’ in Blog Post
On January 1, Shimmy Gray-Miller was introduced as the interim head coach of the Texas Tech Lady Raiders basketball team. She took over for Candi Whitaker, who was fired by Texas Tech Athletic Director Kirby Hocutt.
In an undated blog post on Miller's website, coachshimmy.com, the coach writes about more than just basketball. The last entry Miller made was titled "I'm proud to be an American" and writes about political and social issues facing the United States.
She begins her blog by calling President Donald Trump a "troll":
In spite of the fact that our President is a Twitter troll and the entire presidency is a reality show filmed in the White House...and on a golf course. Regardless of how many Confederate flags still proudly fly or Confederate statues still pridefully stand. Despite Colin Kapernick not having a job...and the reason WHY...I am proud to be an American. Absolutely.
Miller then talks about a trip she took to Australia and the same-sex marriage debate that was occurring there (same-sex marriage passed in November 2017 in Australia) and how the next appointment of a Supreme Court Justice in the United States could take away her right to be married to whomever she wants.
The interim Lady Raiders basketball head coach then writes about how events in Charlottesville, Ferguson, and St. Louis were "messed up." She adds how she feels as a black woman in "a world dominated by non-black women":
I love my country, but I'm not in love with all of it. I hate that I'm scared to death one of my head-strung and unapologetically black nephews will say the wrong thing to the wrong racist police officer and lose his life. Yes. This is something I really think about...often. I hate that as a black woman in a world dominated by non-black women, I have to be cognizant of how I dress, wear my hair, talk, stand in an elevator, look at people, or just simply exist with others as to not make them feel uncomfortable. And I'm not alone in this. Another blog. Another time. I hate that in spite of the deaths and efforts of so many activists on both sides, over so many decades, racism continues to be relevant and rampant in this country.
In her blog, she says she hated that Colin Kaepernick didn't have a job, but Blake Bortles does. It should be noted that Bortles led his team to the AFC Championship against the New England Patriots.
Miller touches on protests in the United States and being able to "tweet criticism about my country or President" and maybe only losing her job, but not her life. Miller ends her blog stating: "I love being an American. And I choose love over hate any day."
You can read her full post on her website or below.
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