6 Dirty Little Secrets About Life in Lubbock, Texas
You probably already know what I'm going to list as number one.
There's a little bit of hypocrisy in Lubbock in that we tend to say one thing and do another. The tourist bait put out there tends to not really reflect what day-to-day is like in the Hub City. I find these types of materials very off-putting because the people who think we're some kind of Southwestern art, wine, and boot-scooting oasis are going to be a little weirded out when they get here.
Then, there are the things we don't talk about. Attitudes, mindsets and things we will and won't do. I've compiled a short list that I think you might agree with. Enjoy.
6 Dirty Little Secrets About Lubbock, Texas
Six Dirty Little Secrets About Lubbock, Texas
10 Things to Love About Living in Lubbock
Lubbock has a lot to be grateful for.