A security camera outside a home in Tech Terrace caught a potential peeping tom on video.

Texas Tech student Ashley Fowler, who lives with a roommate, told KAMC News: "I didn't think anything of it, because a lot of the time­, we live on a corner, so cars will drive by."

Fowler is referring to one of her Ring doorbell security cameras that's set up outside her bedroom window. But Tuesday morning, the motion sensor wasn't activated by a car. It was a man staring through her window.

"He was 10 feet away from me... from where the window was to where I was sitting in my living room," she said.

Fowler said she immediately called 911 and hid inside a bedroom closet until police arrived, but by the time they did, the man was gone. She said her main source of fear was realizing she was home alone at the time.

If you have information regarding this incident and/or the man in the video, call the LPD Crime Line at 806-741-1000.

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