For all intents and purposes it's now summer. Memorial Day weekend is here, along with 100 degree days, and the end of a school year. But the one thing that's missing: baseball. Major League Baseball to be exact.

If you're needing a way to get your baseball fix, there are some great videos online on YouTube.

Earlier this week, I found two videos centered on former Houston Astros and Texas Rangers pitcher Nolan Ryan. The first video shown here is of his second, and final, no-hitter thrown with the Texas Rangers. This seventh career no-hitter was thrown on May 1, 1991.

The second video, was a career compilation video produced toward the end of his career. Deceased Texas Rangers announcer Mark Holtz was the host and narrator for "Feel The Heat". In addition to interviews with Hall of Famers, including Hank Aaron, "Feel The Heat" also discusses the physics of Ryan's legendary fastball and knee-buckling curve. At the 32:55 mark of the video, Ryan also shows the grips for his pitches.

There are a lot of great videos on YouTube, and for the baseball fan out there, these two will help fill the void of no live sports in this summer of 2020.

Nolan Ryan from the 1970s-1990s


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