The Pay Mike Leach Rally in Lubbock Was an Epic Fail [Video]
There was a planned rally for the Pay Mike Leach movement scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday morning (Oct. 21) before the Iowa State-Texas Tech game. The rally was held near the footbridge on the north end of Jones AT&T Stadium.
Here was the turn out at 10 o'clock sharp:
Kidding, kidding! A short time later, the rally materialized -- and by rally, I mean a press conference led by a gentleman from an investigative communications firm and some guy helping to hold a #PayCoachLeach banner.
What was labeled a rally was really just a PR stunt led by a PR firm that isn't really a PR firm.
Mike Leach is running out of good will in Lubbock and the turnout to the rally shows what Lubbock thinks of the Pay Mike Leach movement. The biggest turnout was from the media members, not the apparent grass roots movement that's being advertised.
Mike Leach was mostly beloved during his time at Texas Tech, but his time was nearly 10 years ago. Maybe it's time to let the past be the past.