Is Sweater Weather in Lubbock a Sign That Snowmageddon Is On the Way?
Did you feel it this morning? That first blast of cool air that didn't come from an air conditioner in five months? Felt great, didn't it?
Wednesday (September 22nd) is the first official day of fall. The Autumnal Equinox. Pumpkin Spice Palooza. Pre-Christmas.
That means that as the calendar gets thinner, the weather is bound to get cooler here in The LBK. It's science, and we follow that shiz or else we'll get thrown in science jail.

After a summer that wasn't quite as hot as it could have been, the prognosticators are starting to look towards what we can expect in the upcoming months, especially since Lubbock is now in the evil clutches of ERCOT, and we have no idea if the power is going to stay on once the temperature drops below 45.
This week, we're expected to be a bit below normal, with lows overnight near 50. This leads to many questions that literally no one is asking, except for that one Texas Tech coed who is bundled up at Starbucks waiting for her Pumpkin Spice Latte with soy milk and two pumps of sugar-free caramel.
Are we due for a repeat of one of our many Snowmageddons, or is a deep freeze similar to last February's Valentine's Day chill a possibility?
Come, let's gather 'round the radio for warmth...
Or TV -- whatever.
According to the Farmers Almanac (not affiliated with the Old Farmers Almanac), we can expect another cool winter ahead, with what they consider "near normal" precipitation. That means, yup, it's gonna snow. It is Lubbock, after all; snow happens.
So will we get the massive deep freeze or the mile high snow drifts that keep schools longer than a Covid-19 outbreak in California? That remains to be seen. However, that doesn't mean we can't still make the most of it, like this Lubbock Winter Games Champion.
Lubbock needs more Conor O'Neills. (Courtesy of ABC 13 Houston)
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