Injured Prince Fielder Will Remain on Texas Rangers Roster
Prince Fielder is medically retired. He physically cannot play baseball anymore, but that won't stop him from being on the roster. He is not retired retired though.
The "medically not cleared to play" news came in a press conference from Fielder himself where he announced he wasn't retiring, he just could not play anymore.
The problem is that Prince Fielder is still under contract until 2020 and if he retires from the league he will not be eligible for any of what's left on his contract.
According to Forbes.com, as long as Fielder is a Texas Ranger he'll be on the 60 day DL and he will continue picking up paychecks. Until 2020 the Rangers will continually renew Prince Fielders DL status and pay him $9 million per season. The Tigers will pay $6 million and
ESPN.com Fielder said, "I'd like to help out in any way I can, especially with the younger guys in the minor leagues. But as far as setting something up, we haven't really talked about it." He went on to say, "Honestly, right now, I don't want to be around baseball."
I wouldn't expect him to be around spring training every day but make no mistake Prince Fielder won't stay away forever.
He may do some mentoring or be an incredibly expensive cheer leader. He's always been heralded as a great leader and a "glue guy" in the clubhouse, so it is not ridiculous to say that Fielder will still be valuable moving forward. He just won't be hitting home runs while doing it.
We do know what Prince Fielder will be doing when he's away from the MLB. He has a new television show about food coming out.
No, that's not a joke.
The show will be called, "Fielder's Choice" and it's going to be on Netflix and Hulu. The show will debut in march and will be full of celebrities and food. I'm sure there will be plenty of MLB stars sharing a meal with Fielder.
I'd also bet that his sons and wife will be involved. Taking into account that his family has been involved in his MLB career I'm sure that they'll be heavily involved in his post MLB career.
Whatever Prince does I wish him all the best. Being physically unable to do what you love to do is a terrible thing.
It's a shame that he never go to be the Prince Fielder of old in Texas, through no lack of effort on his part. Fielder will be around the Rangers until 2020 on the DL, so I'm sure this isn't the last we've heard of Prince Fielder.
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