Chase Head Discusses His Campaign For Lubbock City Council
The race for Lubbock City Council District 5 is officially underway. Chase Head announced over the weekend that he will be running for the District 5 seat in southwest Lubbock. Head joined The Chad Hasty Show with Matt Martin on Thursday to discuss his campaign and some of his priorities.

Head told the audience that public safety is issue number one for the City of Lubbock and that Lubbock has to do better in order to attract business and keep college graduates living in Lubbock.
Public safety is huge. It's an absolute must that we get better as a community on policing and making the trend of violent crime go the other direction.
Head also brought up the recently failed street bond and infrastructure in general. Head told KFYO that the bond should have been broken up into two bond elections with Broadway as its own, separate issue. Head also said that the City Council should have gone to the voters with an actual plan for Broadway.
Head described his political philosophy as a "West Texas Conservative".
West Texas Conservative, born and raised in West Texas. Fiscally conservative and it's hard not to talk about abortion right now with where we have been and I'm 100% pro-life. I met with the CEO of Voice of Hope yesterday and we had a good discussion around the sanctuary city vote and really on the same page, but I wanted to get her perspective on it from what she sees that maybe people don't think about all the time. I'm a pro-life, pro-business, conservative West Texas guy.
Head also told the audience that he would have voted for the ordinance making Lubbock a Sanctuary City for the Unborn if he were on the City Council.
Speaking with somebody in City leadership they said that when that vote came up, they didn't want to embarrass the City. And that was part of the thought process behind it that it would go through the court system following it no matter what happened. My thought on that is yeah I don't want to embarrass the City either, but I also don't want to stand before my God and have to answer for why I was okay with murdering babies.
Chase Head is running for Lubbock City Council in District 5. That seat is currently being held by Councilman Randy Christian who has indicated on social media that he will seek reelection.
February 18th is the last day to file for a place on the local ballot. April 25 is the first day of early voting with May 7th being Election Day.
Listen to the full interview with Chase Head above.
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