Ben Webb Appointed to Lubbock County Court At-Law #3

Lubbock ISD Board of Trustee member Ben Webb was appointed to a judicial post on Monday.
The Lubbock County Commissioner’s Court appointed Webb to fill the unexpired term for Lubbock County Court At Law #3. The previous judge for County Court at Law #3, Ann-Marie Carruth, was recently appointed by Governor Abbott to serve as the judge for the 72nd District Court following the death of Judge Ruben Reyes.
Monday's vote by the Lubbock County Commissioner’s Court was 4 to 1, with Commissioner Gilbert Flores voting against Webb.
Webb will have to resign from his Lubbock ISD Board of Trustee position before officially becoming the judge for County Court at Law #3. Webb was elected to the Lubbock ISD Board of Trustees in May 2018 and his term was set to expire in May 2022.
According to the State Bar of Texas, Webb graduated from the Texas Tech School of Law in May 2005, before passing the bar exam.
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