Bahama Buck’s in Lubbock Is Giving Away Free Sno Tuesday, December 5th
Bahama Buck's is giving away a free 12-ounce Sno to every person who visits tomorrow, December 5th, 2017.
All four Lubbock locations are participating: 82nd and University, 4th and Frankford, 50th and Slide, and 7718 Milwaukee Avenue. So whether you like bubblegum or black cherry, strawberry or sugar cookie, you can get your sweet fix for free.
Fun fact: Bahama Bucks is headquartered right here in Lubbock, but has over 100 locations throughout the U.S., including Puerto Rico.
Here's the press release:
LUBBOCK, TX, November 29 – It’s time to enjoy a Taste of Paradise! Bahama Buck’s wants to celebrate this charitable season by giving a Free 12 oz. Sno to each guest who visits Bahama Buck’s nationwide on December 5. That’s every guest, all day, this coming Tuesday!Bahama Buck’s wants to highlight the spirit of the season and say thanks by giving back to the communities they so proudly serve. There’s no better way to show appreciation than by doing what Bahama Buck’s does best, serving up Sno--and mountains of it. “Sno-kidding! We want to bless everyone with the Greatest Sno on Earth,” says Blake Buchanan, founder and president of Bahama Buck’s Franchise Corporation. “We are excited to enter into this Christmas season by blessing those we consider family—our guests. It’s a day we look forward to all year.” This Free Sno Day guests are invited to bring the whole family out to any of the four Lubbock locations, 82nd and University, 4th and Frankford, 50th and Slide, and their brand-new shop at 7718 Milwaukee Avenue. All guests will be blessed with a Taste of Paradise and a visit with Santa on the house from noon until 10pm. Let it Sno!