Alamo Drafthouse's M. Night Shyamalanathon (say that three times fast!) will feature the Unbreakable trilogy, including a first screening of Glass and a livestream from the director himself.

That's the original Unbreakable, the surprise sequel/tie-in, Split, and the new Glass, starring Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson and James McAvoy.

From Alamo Drafthouse:

Join us on Saturday, January 12th for this exclusive Alamo Drafthouse event celebrating director M. Night Shyamalan, with all three films screening back-to-back-to-back. The three-picture marathon screening will also feature a conversation with Shyamalan that will be broadcast live from Alamo Drafthouse Brooklyn.

Tickets are free, and you can reserve a seat right now by purchasing a [$10] food and beverage voucher that can be redeemed at the show. Brooklyn audiences, here's your link to the marathon with M. Night Shyamalan live and in-person.

Since this is essentially free and extremely cool, seats will FLY -- get on it, ASAP.

For more information on special events at Lubbock's Alamo Drafthouse, follow Alamo Film Club on Facebook.

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