Which of These 12 Texas Inspired Zodiac Signs Is Your Lone Star Sign?
It's 2023 and it seems that everyone is always asking what your star sign is which is a lot more fun to me than asking for my blood type. We love star charts, zodiac signs, and anything else that tells us we have common traits with people and that why we act a certain way because it's in the stars.

What if instead of looking to the stars above we looked to the closest star near us. The Lonestar state. I know that Texas is the equivalent of the sun when it comes to other states that just don't have all four seasons in one day. So if Texas is the sun then what are the star signs of Texas? I compiled a list of the most Texas things and matched them with their star signs.
I can confidently tell you that I am a blue bonnet sun with a moon in H-E-B and tumbleweed rising. Find out your sign and let us know if it fits you. Tell us in the comments along with your Texas zodiac sign.