Video: A Day in the Life of a Senior at Texas Tech University
If you've ever been curious about what it would be like to spend a day on campus as a student at Texas Tech University, you might be interested in checking out a short video that was recently posted on TikTok by @TexasTechUniv.
The student who made this video really did a great job of making college life in Lubbock look really exciting and fun. When you grow up in Lubbock, sometimes you just want to get out of here as soon as you can and find a college far, far away. But sticking to your roots has its upsides, too.
If you have a high school senior that is looking into whether or not Texas Tech is the right choice for them, have them take a peek at the video below.
Honestly, after watching it I'm pretty sure it's time to just move out of my house and back into the dorms at 32 years old and get myself another degree. It looks much more blissful and fun than working every day and dealing with all of the other monotony and stressors in life that you come across after you graduate.
Hell, I'd go back to high school and move back in with my parents if that was an option. Being an adult isn't as much fun as I thought it would be. But I digress.
Doesn't look too bad, does it? Waking up and working out, having a nice breakfast, then walking from class to class on a beautiful campus. This video is rather enticing.
Congratulations to all of the seniors at Texas Tech this year. You guys are awesome.