Truck Rear Ends Lubbock-Cooper ISD School Bus
Authorities responded to a bus crash around FM 1585 and Highway 87 in South Lubbock County at around 4 p.m. Wednesday, September 4th.
Sources indicate that a pickup-truck rear-ended the bus, and Lubbock-Cooper officers were diverting traffic from the scene.
According to KAMC News, one patient was seen being taken from the scene.
Lubbock-Cooper ISD released the following statement saying that no students were injured:
At approximately 4:00 p.m., Lubbock-Cooper Bus 7 was involved in an accident on FM 1585. Lubbock-Cooper Police Department, Lubbock Police Department, and EMS are on scene and have determined that no students have sustained injuries. A second bus is en route and will transport students home as soon as police permit students to leave the scene. Parents have been notified.
All parents of the students were notified and a second bus was on the way to transport students as soon as they were permitted to leave the scene.