I’ll never forget when I discovered that Lubbock had a peach farm. A peach farm in Lubbock? Really? Yes, really! It’s called Noble Farms, and it's located across from 8009 CR 6830 in Lubbock.

I was super excited about it and have been going out there every year since. You can pick as many peaches as you want to purchase and eat as many as you want for FREE while you’re strolling up and down the groves.

The wildlife out there is also pretty cool. I got a few pictures of some dragonflys the last time we were there.

Jeri Strong
Jeri Strong

According to the Noble Farms Facebook page, they anticipate peaches being ready for picking around the end of June.

If you've been there before and have some pictures of your visit or some peach recipes you’ve made from their peaches, we’d love to see them. Share them with us on Awesome 98’s Facebook page.

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