Texas Tech and Texas A&M Should Continue Playing (In Some Sports)
Texas A&M is departing for the Southeastern Conference after June of this year and the decades of rivalries lost between the Aggies and Baylor, Texas, and Texas Tech will be lost due to bad blood between all parties.
Texas Tech Athletic Director Kirby Hocutt told David Just of redraiders.com that a conversation between the administration and the Texas Tech head coaches was that a consensus of playing the Aggies in all sports instead of just a few of the sports.
While I am one to applaud people and organizations who stand on principle, this isn't a time to do so. If the Aggies are willing to play Texas Tech in football every season and a rotation of home and home games in men's and women's basketball then go for it. Texas A&M Athletic Director Bill Byrne will likely not be willing to swallow whatever Aggie pride he has and approach Texas Tech for a series of games.
The real losers here are both Texas Tech and Texas A&M fans. The games between with the two schools in all sports with Texas Tech closing the gap in football and basketball the Aggies showing a pulse in Men's basketball with the likes of coaches Billy Gillispie, Mark Turgeon and now with Billy Kennedy at the helm.
Both schools should do the right thing and keep the rivalry.