Texans Went Insane For a Grocery Store Opening in Frisco
Hand up, I'm a United Supermarkets man. I have shopped at HEB, but I do not see it as a camp out all night for the grand opening at 6 am kind of store. Granted, there are very few things I'd camp out in a parking lot for, but in Frisco, Texas I think I'd be in the minority.
When HEB opened in Frisco on September 22nd, the scene was absolutely bonkers.
What a bananaland scene at the HEB where there are lines down both sides of the building. East, West, North, South didn't matter, a line was shooting off in that direction at the ole HEB in Frisco.
The news people showed up en masse just like the crowds did too. This gentleman just started screaming out his stand up, because of the marching band performing by the door inside the store. Yes. A marching band. At a grocery store grand opening.
A hot air balloon. Long lines. A marching band.
I'm guessing it was a high school marching band, you can't see it in the video but I'll let you decide if you can hear the band or not.
I'm also afraid I undersold the lines at this place before 6 am. They literally wrapped around the building in both directions.
And yes, I did say hot air balloon earlier and I wasn't being sarcastic.
I know people get mad when someone says it's "just" a grocery store, but the HEB isn't going anywhere right? I can go next week or the week after. Or drive 30 minutes to the next one in the DFW.
Everybody else's good time isn't always my good time, I guess.
I will double down on the issue of going to grand openings. On more than one occasion, traffic in Lubbock has been detoured and required police presence because of fast food openings and people lining up down the street to get their shakes. The recipe is the same next Tuesday. I promise.
Maybe they giving gas coupons or buy one get one briskets or something in Frisco. That might get me camping out in a parking lot.
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