Lubbock Business Owners: Don’t Threaten Your Employee’s Paycheck

I didn't think this was something that needed to be said, but I've been proven wrong.
You get paid for working. That's how it works at the most basic level. You get hired, sign all the paperwork, negotiate your pay, and get paid accordingly with how much you worked. However, some people around the Hub City think that they can just take advantage of their employees and straight up not pay them because their business didn't do well on a certain day.
Obviously, I'm not going to name any specific businesses. I don't want to start a witch hunt and deal with all that comes with publicly calling out someone. That said, I will talk about how my partner had his paycheck threatened because profits weren't great a certain day.
He had worked at this "establishment" for about a week. He was just getting along, familiarizing himself with procedures and getting to know co-workers when one day ol' boss man tells him that the profits for that specific day "ain't s***" and that it wasn't enough to give him a paycheck. Boss boy could have been joking for all we know, but that's a pretty bad joke, if you ask me.
How in the world can you blame an employee that's been there for one week for your profits on a given day? And then you insinuate that the business didn't make enough to pay someone for the work they put in? Needless to say, my partner walked out almost immediately afterwards.
On top of it being super illegal to withhold pay from your employees, it's also a general recipe for disaster. No wonder they can't keep employees around for long and are barely staying afloat. Sounds to me like they deserve it with how things are being run.
Once again, no names of specific businesses or people running these specific businesses. I'm just going to use this as an opportunity to tell other local business owners in Lubbock something that I didn't think needed to be said:
Do not threaten an employee's paycheck if you want your business to succeed.
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