Just an FYI: Mike Leach Is Still Giving Entertaining Press Conferences
Mike Leach gave some incredibly memorable press conference quotes while at Texas Tech, you can read a list of the hits here from Bleacher Report.
One of my favorites is Leach talking about BJ Symons' 661 passing yards against NC State: "It's better than 660 yards, but not as good as 662 yards." There are 100 other great quotes like that, but his latest press conference might be his best ever.
Here he is talking trash about his Texas Tech quarterbacks who couldn't throw a shovel pass:
BJ Symons, former Texas Tech quarterback, claimed that he was the rooster last night on twitter.
Leach confirmed that Symons was a great shovel passer after Emily Jones, former Texas Tech Red Raider and current Texas Rangers reporter, got into the questioning on Twitter.
If that was the end of the press conference it would have been a classic, especially with the physical comedy from Leach and him throwing the water bottle across the room. But it only got weirder. I mean, better.
Leach then dove into the premise of aliens. Yes -- aliens. This is a must-watch:
Leach also gave a hot Bigfoot take, saying he doesn't believe Bigfoot exists because there haven't been any bones discovered while there have been dinosaur bones discovered.
This is why Mike Leach is, and will forever be, my favorite coach in football.
He doesn't take it too seriously. He's a man of the people. He'll answer any question.
If you don't follow Mike Leach on twitter, you're doing Twitter wrong.
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