“I’m Going to Break Your Jaw,” Man Arrested for Placing Child in Danger

A Lubbock man was arrested on Saturday, October 22nd on charges of domestic violence and placing a child in danger.
KAMC News reports that the victim was feeding her one-month-old baby when 19-year-old David Davila approached her and said "I'm going to break your jaw." What exactly led to this threat being made was not made clear in news reports.
Davila allegedly continued to make threats, so the victim responded by grabbing a knife and demanded Davila get away from her. This escalated to Davila grabbing the victim by the throat with one hand and the knife with the other. Police say that after a brief struggle, the victim was able to break free and call police.
It's said Davila tried to fight officers as he was being detained, making several comments in the process. He remains in the Lubbock County Detention Center for "Abandon a Child in Imminent Danger" and "Assault Domestic Violence."