Groundbreaking on First Lubbock Police Substation Set for Nov. 22
On Tuesday, November 19th, the Lubbock City Council approved a resolution between the City and Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. which means construction of the first substation will begin immediately.
The groundbreaking for the East Lubbock Police Department Substation will take place on Friday, November 22nd at 2 p.m. at East 19th Street and MLK Boulevard.
Lubbock Mayor Dan Pope had this to say in relation to the new substations:
The Lubbock Police Department Substations are an important first step in our Public Safety Initiative. [...] This is a significant move toward our community-policing plans which will ultimately provide more safety for our homes, neighborhoods and businesses.
The substations are intended to give citizens direct access to officers patrolling and working in the districts. It will also allow for more familiarity between citizens and officers.
Each substation will have a community room that can house neighborhood watch meetings, community organization meetings, and police-led community events.