Could Lubbock’s Unemployment Issues Be A Thing Of The Past, Because of Porn?
If you've driven anywhere in Lubbock over the past few months, you've no doubt seen the countless signs in front of businesses screaming out for help in staffing.
The lack of qualified people to staff restaurants, stores, and the like could be an even bigger problem than the pandemic itself. But, it now appears that many savvy marketers are being forced to enter the job market in short order.
This week, the content site OnlyFans announced that they will no longer allow sexually explicit content to be hosted or sold on their site. According to a statement to Bloomberg,
“In order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the platform, and to continue to host an inclusive community of creators and fans, we must evolve our content guidelines.”
This means that about 100% of their content and content creators will be unable to earn a living. If you've spent any time in the dark side of the internet, you see a lot of very inappropriate material directing paying customers to one's OnlyFans page, where the material provided can range from simply "Not Safe For Work", to "I think this is illegal in Alabama". There's a LOT of skank-nasty stuff going on there, and OnlyFans is now cracking down on it, as a result of a request from their bankers and investors, who really don't want to be involved with a porn site. OnlyFans did add in the caveat that some nudity will still be allowed on the site, but in all honesty...that type of material is nothing you couldn't find from free with a simple Google search...not that we've looked, or anything.

So, what does this have to do with the fact that every fast food joint in Lubbock is hiring?
This means that an influx of people who have spent the past 16 months taking photos of their heynannienannies for quick easy cash are going to be looking for actual jobs, and we have lots of openings here in The Hub City.
Okay...that sounded a little weird.
I mean, why not use their experience selling themselves to sell chicken sandwiches? It's not a far stretch. So...fret not, oh purveyor of pay-per-view pornography. There are still plenty of opportunities to earn a living on The South Plains without having to show us where babies come from.
Grab that brass ring!