33rd Annual National Arts Program Still Happening at The Garden & Arts Center
Last week we told you about a fire that happened at The Lubbock Municipal Garden and Arts Center (GAC). The center temporarily closed not only for repairs, but also for an ongoing investigation as to the cause of the fire.
We're excited to announce that the fire won't stop them from having their 33rd Annual National Arts Program in Lubbock. This is a month-long annual exhibit that shows artwork by the City of Lubbock employees, family members, volunteers, City of Lubbock retirees and previous Garden & Arts Center exhibitors.
Do you qualify as one of those people and want to show off your work? Online registration is currently open to do so and will close on October 7th, 2022. No matter your skill level, they want you. So be proud and sign up today.
There's a link on their official website for your to register online with the National Art Program. Participants will drop off artwork at the Garden & Arts Center from October 10th – October 14th, 2022 during center hours.
If your art gets displayed, you can compete for cash prizes. Sponsored by the National Arts Program Foundation and in cooperation with the City of Lubbock, the exhibit features five classifications: Amateur, Intermediate, Professional, Teen, and Youth.
This event is happening from October 22nd through November 22nd, 2022 -- a whole month of fun and art. The Garden & Arts Center is located at 4215 University Avenue. For more information on classes or reservations, please call the Lubbock Municipal Garden and Arts Center at (806) 767-3724 or email: gac@mylubbock.us. You can also find out more information on their site at their website.