We're halfway through the week, so I thought as we got closer to the weekend maybe there would be some crazy crimes going on. But I think everyone in town is feeling that first day of fall excitement for September 22nd. That means to start indulging in everything pumpkin. I did feel the pull of Volleman's Milk calling my name when I saw their seasonal pumpkin spice milk flavor on store shelves.

I'm one of those people who loves fall, especially Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos. I only went trick-or-treating a few times at churches here in Lubbock, once actually door-to-door trick or treating, and at the mall. Does anyone remember when the South Plains Mall would have a designated employee outside of their stores and they would give out candy all night to kids for trick or treating? I also use Halloween decorations just as regular décor, spooky speaks to me. I do suggest getting a grilled chicken sandwich from Wendy's with lettuce as the bun and a lemonade, no ice. I also don't like ice in my drinks.

Now that I've revealed I'm a long lost relative of The Addams Family, I also want to reveal that there's an unplanned theme in most of today's mugshots. The theme for most of these pictures is as obvious as getting the word obvious tattooed across my face.

These 18 mugshots are of people who were arrested on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022 and held in the Lubbock County Detention Center. All people featured are innocent until proven guilty and have only been charged with a crime.

18 People Arrested in Lubbock on September 20th, 2022

Mugshots of 18 people arrested in Lubbock on September 20th, 2022

Get Lubbock’s daily mugshots and Mugshot Mondays sent to your phone by downloading the KFYO app (iOS and Android) and turning on push notifications.

26 People Arrested in Lubbock on September 19th, 2022

Mugshots of 26 people arrested in Lubbock on September 19th, 2022

Get Lubbock’s daily mugshots and Mugshot Mondays sent to your phone by downloading the KFYO app (iOS and Android) and turning on push notifications.


Lubbock's Mugshot Monday: 21 People Arrested (September 17th & 18th)

Mugshot's of 21 people still being held in the Lubbock County Detention Center

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