February is National Heart Month, and United Supermarkets is partnering with the American Heart Association for a new program called Check, Change, Control, which will begin on February 21.

Brenda Duby with United Supermarkets joined me to discuss the new program that will launch soon in hopes of helping everyone with their heart health.

Duby says the program is a 16-week wellness and blood pressure management program. The goal is to help coach measurable and sustainable improvements for adults with high blood pressure.

There will be a Facebook Live event on Feb.  21st to kick things off. More information and how to sign up will be coming soon. The United Supermarkets family is hoping this program will help people live a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Watch the video above for more information about Check, Change, Control and United Supermarkets.

About the sponsor

The United Supermarkets Family is making healthy shopping easier by helping you build a better basket. Find out more at United Supermarkets’ official website

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