The Hub City BBQ Cook-Off Is Back on September 22
The annual Hub City BBQ Cook-Off is back for 2016. September 22 is the day that "You're Going To Need A Really Big Napkin."
OK, first off, I think their tagline about the really big napkin is a little long and maybe misleading. Who would ever use just one napkin when throwing down at a BBQ cook-off, even it it was really big? Heck, I would use at least five...per table! But that's not really a big deal.
Tickets are available now for a full day of food, drinks and live music.
It's $25 for adults, $15 for kids 6-10 and free for kids 5 and under.
And once you're inside, EVERYTHING is included. That's right -- you can go to town like a mad man on all the Texas smoked meat you can eat. There's nothing better.
Visit the Hub City BBQ Cook-Off's Facebook page for more details.
First-Person Eat-Through at the Hub City BBQ Cook-off
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