Texas Tech Should Consider Offering This Popular New Course on ‘Doing Nothing’
There's a popular new college course offered at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin that teaches students how to do absolutely nothing. Yes, you read that correctly. It's an entire class that helps you learn to unplug, unwind, and relax.
The course is called "Doing Nothing" and was developed by Dr. Connie Kassor. There's no surprise that it has the highest enrollment of any class at the university.
Students receive one credit for taking the course, which teaches the importance of taking time out of your day to focus on not doing anything at all, something many busy students and people all over the world struggle with.
When you think about how you grew up, did your parents ever tell you to simply do nothing? Mine were constantly telling me to do something. Read a book. Go outside and play. Study for a test. Do something. Relaxing in a hammock and staring off into space was not on my list of things to do.
Technology has all of us holding our phones in our hands, absorbing media and information all day long. I often find it hard to put my phone down just to go to sleep. I can definitely see the benefits of taking a course that teaches you to simply turn it off. I imagine it would be pretty popular if something like that was implemented at Texas Tech.
When is the last time you simply did nothing at all? No television. No phone. No conversation. Think about it. Do you think a class like this would help students out at Texas Tech? Comment on our Facebook page and let us know how you feel about it.
Now, go do nothing. Sometimes, it's good for you.