Celebrities We Love Who Have Achieved Their ‘Honorary’ Texan StatusCelebrities We Love Who Have Achieved Their ‘Honorary’ Texan StatusHere is a list of the celebrities who we, as Texans, want as honorary Texans. It's wide-ranged and far-flung, but we want them, and we tend to get what we want. Renee RavenRenee Raven
This Is Why Lubbock Doesn’t Need Any Disgusting Celebrities HereThis Is Why Lubbock Doesn’t Need Any Disgusting Celebrities HereWest Texas Doesn't Need Any Dirty, Stinking Celebrities Here. Lance BallanceLance Ballance
Celebrities You Might Run Into in TexasCelebrities You Might Run Into in TexasThese are some of the celebrities that live in Texas, and you might run into them while out and about.Emily ClaireEmily Claire