Lubbock’s 2nd Chance Books Is Now Offering a Monthly Book ClubLubbock’s 2nd Chance Books Is Now Offering a Monthly Book ClubAfter a few months of the shop officially being open, they’ve decided to start a monthly book club.Emily ClaireEmily Claire
Calling Aspiring Lubbock Writers: This is Your Chance to Become a Self-Published AuthorCalling Aspiring Lubbock Writers: This is Your Chance to Become a Self-Published AuthorWild Lark Books was founded by Brianne van Reenen, a sales and marketing expert that started Wild Lark Strategies in 2018.Emily ClaireEmily Claire
Friends of the Library to Host Kris Kringle SaleFriends of the Library to Host Kris Kringle SaleI am always a sucker for a good book, especially when I can get them on the cheap. The Friends of the Library are hooking it up for the holiday season.BoleoBoleo
25 Years of ‘Friday Night Lights’ – Buzz Bissinger on The Chad Hasty Show [INTERVIEW]25 Years of ‘Friday Night Lights’ – Buzz Bissinger on The Chad Hasty Show [INTERVIEW]Author H.G. “Buzz” Bissinger on The Chad Hasty Show talking about the 25th anniversary of his book “Friday Night Lights, A Town, A Team and A Dream”.Jody SmyersJody Smyers
Something to Make You Laugh [VIDEO]Something to Make You Laugh [VIDEO]Here is a little humor for your Monday morning. Allen CorbinAllen Corbin