Lubbock Physician Receives Medal of Valor for Work During Pandemic

Victor J. Test, MD has been honored by the American Medical Association with the AMA Medal of Valor for his work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The AMA Medal of Valor recognizes physicians that demonstrate courage under extraordinary circumstances in non-wartime situations. Dr. Test personally secured protective equipment for critical care faculty and even built plexiglass and PVC chambers for physicians and nursing staff caring for COVID-19 patients.
AMA President Gerald E Harmon, MD, said the following in relation to Dr. Test:
It is an honor to present Dr. Test with the Medal of Valor for his heroic efforts to serve his community during this pandemic. Resources can be scarce in West Texas, particularly during a pandemic, and Dr. Test set out to help fix that. He personally searched for, found, and purchased personal protective equipment to supply the critical care faculty and fellows at the Texas Tech University hospital where he teaches and practices. During an incredibly challenging period for all physicians and across our health care system, Dr. Test stepped up and performed bravely and valiantly, protecting his colleagues and patients.
Physicians, nurses, residents, and patients witnessed his unflagging kindness, ingenuity, generosity, and caring. He belongs in the pantheon of health care heroes of this pandemic.
Dr. Test received the AMA Medal of Valor during the 2022 Texas Medical Association Winter Conference.
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