Lubbock Keep an Eye Out for This New Girl Scout Cookie
As the holidays are officially over we are kind of in a lull until Valentines day but there is one day that almost everyone looks forward to. The beginning of Girl Scout Cookie sale season, which kicks off Friday, January 13. These are not made from real Girl Scouts, if you ever watched the classic 1991 Addams Family movie then you get it.
Girl Scout Cookies have been sold for the past 106 years and were actually made by hand by the scouts, with help from their parents of course. While they have been selling cookies for over a century some girl scouts also have the opportunity to earn badges while in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Any money made from Girl Scout Cookie Program sales directly goes back into that local troop to support the girls in their endeavors.
Girl Scout cookies are guaranteed fresh every year so what do they do with any left over boxes of cookies? Well in the spirit of Girl Scouts the troops will work with local food pantries or other charitable organizations to distribute cookies to those that need food relief. Which is just a great show of what they are all about.

What is this mystery new flavor though? Could it be some type of brownie cookie, pineapple upside down frosted cookie, or even a strawberry and cream cookie? Well we had to rally the troops on this new cookie as it gives off hints of decadence while looking almost like a Thin Mint. You will just have to scroll down to find out the flavor of Thin Mint's fancy pink filled cousin. Let us know in the comments what your favorite Girl Scout Cookie is, mine are the Samoa's