Okay, so it's been a rough couple of years for our child star turned drunk driving starlet, but why live in the past?

The thing is, we've got a little soft spot for Lilo -- She hasn't had it easy. Let's not even talk about it, okay? These photos from the premiere of 'Liz & Dick' were just released, and we're glad to see her smiling and looking relatively alert.

Her new Lifetime movie, 'Liz & DIick' chronicles the affair between Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, and is set to premiere on November 25th.  We'll definitely be tuning in. Lohan has always had the classic movie starlet face, so we're excited to see her in this role. Plus, remember 'Parent Trap?' Aw.

If Robert Downey Jr gets a do-over, why not Lilo?

Liz & Dick premiere pics
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