Let’s ‘BeReal’ About Lubbock’s Newest Social Media Craze

I am at the age where I am truly an adult, working full time, paying all of my own bills, and being fully responsible for myself. However, I’m still young enough to be connected to my teenage years since they made up a large part of my life so far.
This puts me in that weird place where I still relate to the teens of today in some ways, but I’ve also been disconnected from that group for six years now. This means that I am just old enough to be left behind on all of the latest trends unless I put in the extra effort to be a part of them. Specifically, when it comes to social media.
I was young enough to hop on the TikTok bandwagon right before it blew up, and I grew up with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr being a part of my day-to-day life. Now, there is a new social media platform blowing up that I only just learned about today.
Apparently, the new place to be online is an app called BeReal. There are already millions of people on the app, and it seems like it might be the new Instagram for Gen Z.
The basis of the app is to show your authentic self and not hide behind filters, poses, and cropped images. You are showing your real self to all of your friends as they do the same, forming a genuine connection.
You have to get on the app to really understand how it works, but it is definitely an interesting concept. I’m not sure how into it I’ll get, but I see where it is a fun app for teenagers and young adults to stay connected with those around them and take a step back from the highly filtered media you find on other social media platforms.
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