Learn About the History of Soda at Texas’ Dr Pepper Museum
Along with sweet tea, no drink is more Texan than Dr Pepper. The iconic soda is loved by millions. Originating in Waco, Texas in 1885, it's the oldest major soft drink in America.
There's so much history behind not only Dr Pepper but the entire soda industry that it can be hard to keep all the facts straight. That's where the Dr Pepper Museum in Waco, Texas comes in.
This museum is dedicated to the history of the iconic Texas beverage and aims to teach about the history of soda in the United States in general.

Sure, you can visit the museum in Waco, but you can also find them online on their official TikTok account where they post a variety of videos. These videos range from history lessons about Dr Pepper and other soda brands to unique recipes you can make using Dr Pepper and taste tests of said recipes.
If you want to make a trip out to Waco to visit the museum, no reservations are required. You can arrive at the museum, pay your admission fee and take your time looking through their exhibits. They also have various experiences available, including making your own soda, tasting a variety of sodas and going on ghost hunts.
More information on how to participate in these experiences is available on their official website, along with a list of frequently asked questions and a virtual tour of the museum.