We love Jenny every day, but today she got into a twitter battle with scum of the earth, Chris Brown, so today we really love her.

Jenny is a New York-based comedian and writer with a huge twitter following of over 328k (and growing, rapidly right now) fans. She's popular because her comedy is smart, hilarious and fearless. Chris Brown -- America's favorite wife-beater -- also has a ton of fans for some reason, though not nearly as many.  Regardless, when this happened earlier this afternoon, a lot of people noticed:

chris brown jenny johnson twitter


Brown responded with several pieces of eloquent prose, one detailing his desire to defecate into Jenny's eyes while she performed fellatio on him. In what we assume was a PR agent-induced panic, he then briefly suspended his twitter account, which caused a barrage of death threats from his fans, aimed at Jenny. We're not going to give them the satisfaction, but you can see more about that right here. Jenny handled it like a champ:

Chris brown jenny johnson twitter

If you don't follow her on Twitter, do it right now, and share this article -- Not only because she's hilarious, but because she is a hero, and deserves your support. Also, she's a babe:

Chris Brown Jenny Johnson Twitter
Chris Brown Jenny Johnson Twitter

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