West Nile Virus Found In Lubbock County

This week the Biological Threat Research Lab at Texas Tech University notified Lubbock officials that West Nile Virus is active in Lubbock County.
According to a press release from the City of Lubbock and the Lubbock Health Department, mosquitoes in Lubbock County are carrying the West Nile Virus and if you are bitten by a mosquito, there is a chance that you will catch it. Lubbock citizens are encouraged to reduce their chances of being bitten.
Some of the ways you can reduce your chances of being bitten include, staying indoors, wearing EPA approved insect repellant. Using fans outdoors and getting rid of standing water.
While it's rare one will catch West Nile virus, symptom include headache and fever, as the Lubbock Health Department explains:
Symptoms can include headache, fever, muscle and joint aches, nausea, and fatigue. People will typically recover on their own. Some central nervous system infections may develop, and few will experience additional symptoms of neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, and paralysis. Up to 80 percent of people infected with the virus will have no symptoms.
There are no medications to treat or vaccines to protect against these infections. People over 50 years old and those with other health issues are at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill. If people have symptoms and suspect West Nile virus infection, they should contact their healthcare provider.
The City of Lubbock did say that Vector Control will be increasing mosquito spraying in the community due to West Nile.