These Texas Teens Went Missing In January, Have You Seen Them?

Your help is needed again this month to help bring home missing children in Texas. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 20 Texas children went missing in January and are still missing today.
The pictures of the teenagers you'll see below are from all over the state of Texas. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children handles cases of lost kids due to family and nonfamily abductions, runaways, lost, injured, and critically missing young adults.
These are kids who should be at home with family and friends, but instead, they are in danger and it's possible that you can help. Here's what you can do to help bring these children home. Please take some time to look at the pictures below and see if you recognize any of the faces or names. As you're looking through these photos, if you do recognize one of the missing children and have any information concerning their current whereabouts where they may be going, call 911 or the NCMEC's phone number at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678). Together, we can help these children get back to the safety and security of their family and loved ones.
Let's help bring these Texas children home to their families who are worried about them.
These Texas Teens Went Missing In January, Have You Seen Them?
Gallery Credit: Chad Hasty
Previous months galleries of missing kids.
MISSING: These 24 Texas Children Went Missing In December
Gallery Credit: Chad Hasty
LOOK: These 38 Texas Children Went Missing In 1958 - 1989
Gallery Credit: Sarah Clark/TSM