Get Ready for Back-to-School Time with Covenant Medical Group
For the second year in a row Covenant Medical Group is giving back to the community as school is almost back in session. The second annual Back-to-School bash hosted by the Covenant Medical Group is providing the community with the resources that they need just before school starts.
This event will be an opportunity for families that are preparing for the 2023-24 school year to get their required vaccinations needed for school. Covenant will be accepting private insurance or Medicaid to help pay for those vaccinations but for those paying out of pocket they will be just $5. The start of school also correlates with football season so sports physicals will also be available for those that need them and are just $35.
This Back-to-School bash is also celebrating the end of Summer with plenty of activities for families to enjoy themselves at. There will be a tackle obstacle course for kids to run through and emergency vehicle tours given by the Lubbock Police Department and Lubbock Fire and Rescue. Frenship ISD's spirit squad will also be at the Back-to-School bash to cheer on the event along with some special guest stars from a galaxy far far away.
The Covenant Medical Group Back-to-School Bash will be held at the Northwest Clinic located at 611 North Frankford Avenue August 5 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. This event is made possible to Covenants partners such as United Supermarkets, St. Clair & Massey orthodontics, and the Public Broadcasting Station (PBS).