$82K of Packaged Drugs Washed Ashore Texas Beach
Wouldn't it be so special to to walk along the beach with your soulmate, leaving tracks in the sand as you two reminisce and laugh like you're in a stool softener commercial? Then, one of you comes across a glass bottle poking out of the sand and, what's that? A letter sent between two long-lost lovers?
Now, what if that same instance happened, but instead you found a brick of cocaine worth $82,000... not as romantic.
That is, in fact, what was recently found on the North Padre Island National Seashore earlier this week.
My SA reported on the incident after Texas Border Patrol Agents took to Facebook to share the news of their buried treasure with the public.
It may come to nobody's surprise, but this isn't even the first time that drugs were washed ashore along the Texas coastline. In fact, just last year, $2.3 million worth of cocaine washed ashore in ONE MONTH.

You'd also be wrong if you thought this was the weirdest thing that washed ashore along Texas beaches.
The Lone Star State has a talent for the wildest things found on coastlines, according to Chron. Here are some of my favorites from the list. Let me know what you think.
- Nazi Cargo
- That's right, bales of rubber from destroyed German cargo ships in WWII were found washed ashore
- Baby Dolls
- ... yes, creepy, dirty, distorted baby dolls are often found on beaches
- Witch Bottles
- Exactly what they sound like. Bottles with bits of human hair, nails and even urine have been found along Texas beaches
If you ever have a relaxing trip to a Texas beach, please stay alert and maybe wear some protective footwear from time to time...
Explore The Mysterious And Creepy Baby Head Cemetery In Texas
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