Texans felt the ground moving in parts of Southern Texas last night as a 4.5 magnitude earthquake struck outside of San Antonio.

According to Newsweek, the 4.5 magnitude earthquake stuck just before 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday night. The center of the earthquake was about 12 miles east-northeast of Falls City, Texas. Falls City is located about 45 minutes away from San Antonio.

Early Thursday morning there was a much smaller earthquake felt outside of Stockdale. People as far away as Killeen.

According to the DailyMail, there is a 36 percent chance of a magnitude 3 or greater aftershock happening in the area.

Fortunately, no one was hurt and there are no reports of any damage.

Is Fracking Responsible for Texas Earthquakes?

Earthquakes remain rare in Texas but they have been on the increase and some point to fracking as the reason why. According to the DailyMail, the disposal of wastewater produced during fracking could be the reason behind it.

Experts have not confirmed whether the magnitude 4.5 Falls City earthquake was linked to fracking, but this city is located in the Eagle Ford Shale area which is known for oil and gas production.

Texas is the biggest producer of crude oil and natural gas in the US, based on an assessment of 2023 data by the US Energy Information Administration.

The state is known for its extensive use of fracking, or the process of extracting oil and gas from deep underground by blasting large quantities of water, chemicals and sand into rock formations to crack them open and release the fuels trapped inside.

Fracking is not usually the direct cause of an earthquake. It is actually the process of disposing wastewater produced through fracking that can trigger tremors.

82 percent of all earthquakes in Texas with a magnitude  2.5 or greater have happened since 2020.

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