Texas Football Question Prompts Worst Jeopardy! Answer Ever
Texas Football Question Stumps Jeopardy! Contestant
The video at the bottom of this article features two of the best answers we've ever seen on the game show Jeopardy.

Now, here's the deal. Sitting home in your recliner, it might seem pretty easy to answer some of these questions. There are no hot and bright studio lights shining in your face. There's no live audience. Things are a lot different when you're in the hot seat up there.
Not Once But Twice
We're not gong to ruin the answers for you. You'll have to watch the video for yourself. But we'll give you both questions.
1. In 2014 Decatur, Texas rescheduled this holiday back to the 30th, as it conflicted with the Friday night high school football program.
2. Sifan Hassan holds the women's world record in this track event: 4 minutes, 12.33 seconds.
Split-second decision
So, given some time to think about it, you probably could come up with an answer to both of these. But on the show, you don't have much time at all. It seems like every contestant just hammers the buzzer as soon as they are allowed, even if they don't know the answer, which it looks like that's what Sharon does here. And once you buzz in, you have to provide an answer whether you know it or not.
Let's watch
Check out the video for yourself below for the answers, and keep scrolling for the comments.