There is an intersection of two events that will result in an almost unprecedented amount of insects.

Image by Dan Keck from Pixabay/Image by G.C. from Pixabay
Image by Dan Keck from Pixabay/Image by G.C. from Pixabay

The Timeline

This April something really rare is going to happen. You're probably familiar with cicadas even though they are fairly uncommon around here. As you may know, they have many years between breeding cycles. Some are on a 13-year cycle while others are on a 17-year cycle. This year both of those cycles will match up and all the insects will appear all at once.


Are They Coming Here?

In a word, no. We are "safe" here in Texas, at least we should be. Cicadas mainly appear in the states mostly northeast of us. Even if we had some cicada drift, we shouldn't have enough to be of any concern. There is also little to fear from cicadas except for the fact that they are loud. They do not bite or sting or care about you at all, they're just loud and trying to hook up with each other.

Image by JamesDeMers from Pixabay
Image by JamesDeMers from Pixabay

The End

So when will you know you're in the clear? The entire event should start in late April and be over by July 1st. Currently, it looks like they'll stop at the Texas border like it's a checkpoint. Sure it would be funny to see them geared up in cowboy hats and little cowboy boots, but they prefer the area around Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois. This may be a bit of a disappointment to you, but at least you'll be able to sleep without all this Stephen King-swarm-of-death-like noise.


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