Lord have mercy.

I couldn't help myself from sharing this video with you guys. If you haven't seen it yet, please prepare yourselves for a laugh. A couple was spotted at a recent Taylor Swift concert at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, having a REALLY good time. Sure, tons of people in the crowd were dancing around to their favorite T. Swift jams, but this couple took it a little further than just bopping to the music...

Don't get me wrong. I think Taylor Swift is a very talented young lady, but she doesn't get my motor going quite like this. I'm just going to go out on a limb and assume there was some alcohol involved.

Check it out below:


The comments below the video were pretty hilarious. Here are some of my favorites:



"Side eye"


"Look. I'm not one to judge how someone is enjoying the concert. HOWEVER, exceptions can be made."


"They misunderstood the assignment"

"The lack of coordination is an assault on my senses"

Hey man, whatever floats your boat, right? It looks like they had a fantastic time. Shout-out to TikTok user @livymadethis for snagging a video for the rest of us to enjoy. I wonder if Taylor has seen it yet. I bet she would get a big kick out of it. Nothing like seeing people enjoy your music! Stay wild, Texas!

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