Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson to Visit Area Schools
The most important rights we have are in the Constitution, and to celebrate Constitution Week (September 17th through the 23rd), The Remnant Trust is bringing two historical figures to Lubbock.
Bill Baker and Ian Rose, who are re-enactors of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, will have a presentation with Coronado High School students on Thursday, September 21st. Then, at 5:30 p.m., the duo will have a presentation at the Texas Tech SUB.
From The Museum of Texas Tech:
They will discuss “books of public right” and the importance of having access to them, the Remnant Trust effort, the Constitution, and the connection to those ideas and access to them like the founding fathers would have had. The event is open to the public but as seating is limited, an early arrival is recommended. Parking is available in lot R-11 near the northeast corner of 18th Street and Boston Avenue, behind the Student Union Building.
This is a great learning experience that we should all take advantage of.
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