‘A Very Sordid Wedding’ Gets a Special Screening in Lubbock
On April 24th, The Texas Tech University Office of LGBTQIA, along with the Women’s Studies Program, will be holding a special screening of the movie A Very Sordid Wedding.
This is a sequel to the movie Sordid Lives, which has a very large cult following.
From Texas Tech:
Set 17 years after the original movie, “A Very Sordid Wedding” explores the questions, bigotry, and fallout of what happens when gay marriage comes to communities and families that are not ready to accept it.
Writer/Director Del Shores will be on hand for a Q&A session after the screening.
The screening will take place at 8:30 p.m. Monday, April 24th in The Matador Room in the SUB. For more information, visit Texas Tech's website.