City Of Lubbock Begins Removing Prairie Dogs Around TownCity Of Lubbock Begins Removing Prairie Dogs Around TownAre Prairie Dogs a nuisance that needs to be dealt with? Or are they part of the natural wildlife in Lubbock that needs to be left alone? Kelsee PitmanKelsee Pitman
Lubbock Takes Aim at Prairie Dogs With Plans To Eradicate Some Lubbock Takes Aim at Prairie Dogs With Plans To Eradicate Some Here's why the City of Lubbock wants to get rid of some Prairie Dogs.Chad HastyChad Hasty
Huge, Pot-Smoking Prairie Dog Becomes The Unsung Hero of LubbockHuge, Pot-Smoking Prairie Dog Becomes The Unsung Hero of LubbockWell, that's something you don't see every day...ChrissyChrissy
Do Prairie Dogs Actually Make Good Pets? Do Prairie Dogs Actually Make Good Pets? It seems like they get mixed reviews.ChrissyChrissy
Can Lubbock Prairie Dogs Predict Weather On Groundhog Day?Can Lubbock Prairie Dogs Predict Weather On Groundhog Day?Punxsutawney Phil isn't the only rodent forecaster around, we have Lubbock's answer. Lance BallanceLance Ballance
What Do Lubbock Prairie Dogs Do When It Snows? What Do Lubbock Prairie Dogs Do When It Snows? Have you ever wondered what prairie dogs do when it snows?Emily ClaireEmily Claire
Naked Prairie Dogs Spotted in Lubbock. Diseased Pests or Bodacious Rodents?Naked Prairie Dogs Spotted in Lubbock. Diseased Pests or Bodacious Rodents?Prairie dogs in Lubbock cause a little concern after being seen without hair.Mikael DonnovanMikael Donnovan
Prairie Dogs Take Over Lubbock Taco Bell [Video]Prairie Dogs Take Over Lubbock Taco Bell [Video]This Lubbock Taco Bell has been taken over by a group of prairie dogs.Emily ClaireEmily Claire
One of Lubbock’s Biggest Pests Are Now Kept as PetsOne of Lubbock’s Biggest Pests Are Now Kept as PetsWhile many people in Lubbock view these guys as pests, some people keep them in their house as pets. Emily ClaireEmily Claire
Lubbock Citizens Call Bulls— On An Incredibly Stupid Government ReminderLubbock Citizens Call Bulls— On An Incredibly Stupid Government ReminderOnce again, leave it to the City of Lubbock to suck all the fun out of a normal day.Lance BallanceLance Ballance