Texas Republicans Praise Trump's Supreme Court NomineeTexas Republicans Praise Trump's Supreme Court NomineeSenators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn have both said they will vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme CourtRob SnyderRob Snyder
Congressman Arrington Wins Republican Primary for Texas CD 19Congressman Arrington Wins Republican Primary for Texas CD 19Congressman Jodey Arrington beat Vance Boyd in Tuesday's GOP Primary Election for the 19th Congressional District.Rob SnyderRob Snyder
Congressman Arrington Gives Rick Perry a Sendoff from House FloorCongressman Arrington Gives Rick Perry a Sendoff from House FloorEnergy Secretary Rick Perry was one of the first cabinet officials President Donald Trump brought on board in 2017. Perry previously served as Texas Governor and Lt. GovernorRob SnyderRob Snyder