Most Snowfall Recorded In Texas… Ever!
Cooler temps have finally hit the Permian Basin. While they may not last long it's nice to get the break from the hot West Texas weather.
Even though it doesn't snow consistently across Texas, we have had some impressive snowfalls. Let's reminisce about the most snow the Lone Star State has received.
According to, the most snow recorded was in December 1929. Texas stayed true to its nature, it was a warm December. Average temperatures were in the 60s and 70s. On December 17th an Arctic front blew in and temperatures dropped 40 degrees. By December 20th temps sat at freezing and the snowfall began in the Panhandle.
The storm slowly traveled southeastward. Western parts of North Texas started getting snow by the afternoon of December 20th. Central Texas experienced several inches of snow by daybreak on December 21st. Heavy snow continued to fall for the rest of the day before slowly coming to a stop in the evening hours.
Now that the storm had passed the cities were reporting record snowfall. Even though the storm lasted less than 24 hours, it made its statement across Texas. Twelve inches of snow was recorded 2 to 3 counties wide. Clifton recorded 24 inches of snow within 24 hours. Though Clifton gave it a run for its money, Hilsborrow recorded 26 inches. This certifies it as the all-time 24-hour record in Texas history.
Don't get me wrong I would love to see some snow this winter but 26 inches seems a little out of my comfort zone. I will settle with the light dusting of dandruff West Texas usually gets.
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Gallery Credit: Tara Holley